1. Images can be used from previous competitors. 2. No retouched images will be accepted. 3. No watermarked or logo-ed images will be accepted. 4. Only readable photos are accepted. 5. 1-2 photos before, 4-5 photos of work from different sides, 15-30 second video must be submitted to: montecarloglamcup@gmail.com 6. Entry email MUST include: Experience group and nominations. 7. If you paid for participation but did not report your unwillingness to participate before March 30, the money will not be returned. 8. Each master can participate an unlimited number of times in any nominations.
<2 years
3-5 years
>6 years
Over all Look - Maximum 10 points Direction - Maximum 10 points Transition - Maximum 10 Points Symmetry- Maximum 10 points Clean Work - Maximum 10 points MAX POINTS - 50